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Concordia’s CSU elections

Concordia’s CSU elections are being held tomorrow, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Those of you who have been following my blog know all about the problems that the CSU has been causing at Concordia these past few years. I can only hope that this year is the one where enough students turn out to toss the professional shit-disturbers out on their butts where they belong, and elect some real leadership.

The two main slates in contention are Evolution, supported by a broad base of students opposed to the current CSU, and the ironically-named Clean Slate, made up entirely of buddies of the current and past few CSUs. A few other slates, Renaissance Concordia and New Vision among them, are also on the ballot, which may threaten to split the opposition, thus handing yet another victory to Clean Slate.

Will enough students turn out to vote in order to overcome the Left’s committed support from the pro-Palestinian and anti-capitalism crowd? Or will this same group get right back into power? Right now, it’s up to the undergraduate students at Concordia. So if you’re reading this, and you’re a Concordia student, make sure to vote!

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