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Gunman shoots up Jewish Community Center

What on earth is there to say about this:

A woman was killed and five other women were wounded on Friday when a gunman opened fire at a Jewish organization in downtown Seattle that last weekend organized a rally in support of Israel.

A Seattle police spokesman said the gunman, who was thought to be acting alone, had been taken into custody but that authorities were “taking every precaution” in searching for explosives and additional suspects.

Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle Vice President Amy Wasser-Simpson told the Seattle Times in a story on its Web site that a man got through security at the building and shouted, “I’m a Muslim American; I’m angry at Israel,” then began shooting.

Police did not confirm the report and offered no immediate motive for the shooting. It was not clear if the shooter was specifically targeting women.

The whole thing is absolutely sickening.

There’s going to be a lot of talk about how this was “terrorism”, which, I suppose technically it was, but it doesn’t appear to be the work of any organized terror cell. Rather, it looks like it was a deranged lone gunman using politics as an excuse. Won’t make a difference to any of the shooting victims, of course. But before the facts of the story get lost in the coming media frenzy, let’s just take a deep breath and remember that.

Sadly, there will be those who celebrate this nutjob as a hero. That’s the sickest part of all.

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  • DaninVan 07.29.06, 7:49 AM

    Not deranged, Sari, deluded…

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