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The end of the beginning

Today’s been quite a day, as the Americans and coalition forces made themselves at home in Baghdad, celebrating the end of Saddam Hussein’s regime.

I can’t help thinking of Churchill’s famous words in 1942 though: “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” U.S. forces are warning us that the war isn’t over. And even after the guns and bombs stop, the toughest challenges still lie ahead.

Today was a good day, though, all in all.

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  • Hanthala 04.10.03, 2:39 PM

    Today was a good day IF (and only IF) it means that Saddam is gone and the US-appointed “provisional government” will be gone shortly. Somehow I doubt that. Somehow I doubt that the Iraqis will be participating in free and democratic elections any time soon.

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