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Nusseibeh to speak at McGill

Dr. Sari Nusseibeh is going to be speaking at McGill University on Wednesday.

I wonder if they’ll riot this time . . . after all, Nusseibeh has publicly called for an end to Palestinian violence. Then again, MIB calls him a “prominent intellectual voice of reason calling for peace between Palestinians and Israelis”, and I think that’s going a bit too far. After all, he called “martyrdom operations” a form of resistance and refused to condemn them.

Most people have listened to Nusseibeh’s statements in Arabic and interpreted them, and concluded that he only plays the moderate. He’s been given that role, in order to make it seem like there are dissident voices in Palestinian society. But he’s just play-acting, and it seems like the Montreal Jewish Community is buying his act hook, line, and sinker.

Still, I somehow don’t predict any riots.

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