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Configurations and connections

Blogging will be light for a few days, while I attempt to set up my new computer.

So far, I’ve managed to connect to the Internet, but I’ve been incapable of connecting it to the old one to transfer files. I also haven’t managed to reinstall Microsoft Office, because I have an upgrade and not a new install CD. Plus, there’s something screwy with the screen resolution. Also, ever notice how every new computer comes loaded with tons of useless promotional software? I’ve spent half the evening just cleaning that up.

Times like these, I wish I were more technically… ept (is that a word?) or whatever the opposite of inept is.

At any rate, blogging will be back soon once I figure out how to set up the system.

{ 4 comments… add one }
  • DaninVan 10.19.04, 5:35 AM


  • Jonny 10.19.04, 9:34 PM


    New website stop the ism:
    stop the ism

  • DaninVan 10.20.04, 5:49 AM

    Well, that was intriguing…

  • Francis 10.21.04, 11:39 PM

    adept 🙂

    An admiring fan.

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