It’s the kind of beautiful day outside today that puts everyone in a good mood.
I knew I couldn’t stay cooped up indoors, so I went out walking and window-shopping. I ended up hitting up some Montreal landmarks, like the St-Viateur bagel factory and the Jean-Talon market. I came home with bags full of mouth-watering goodies… way too many, in fact. There’s currently an apple cake in my oven, thanks to my inability to resist the fresh apples.
Days like today, it’s good to be alive.
we don’t care about your life.
Clearly you care way too much, based on the amount of time you spend trolling my comments section.
I was sort of thinking the same thing walking back from shul on the first night of Yom Kippur.
In Israel, you see, NO ONE drives on Yom Kippur. Even those extremist Jews who think that they are the strongest atheists give their cars an annual day of rest. The streets around the country, even bourgeois and bustling Tel Aviv, believe it or not, are filled not with cars, but instead with people (and kids on bicycles, skateboards, and rollerblades) strolling and enjoying the cool fall evening.
The whole entire country shuts their tv’s and steps outside. It is an incredible experience.
I love when others offer opinions in MY name…