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It’s a mixed-up world

Can anyone imagine a world in which this backwards statement would not obtain the support and agreement of most of the countries of the world? Me neither.

The United States and Israel represent the real nuclear threat to the world, not Iran, Tehran’s chief envoy to the United Nations said on Friday after an abortive conference on controlling nuclear weapons.

Now we can watch the United Nations do what it does best: pander to Iran and condemn the US and Israel.

Sometimes I feel like Alice in Wonderland, reading this stuff.

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  • Hanthala 06.01.05, 5:38 PM

    “Israel is the threat to the region,” he said. “It is one of the great ironies of our age that a country outside the framework of legality in the area of nonproliferation is one of the countries that is the most active participants against Iran,” he said.

    Well said.

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