Excess baggage on Thai Airways can be very costly, as this guy learned the hard way:
Bob Wolfe and his wife were flying from Bangkok‘s Suvarnabhumi Airport to Panama. At the counter, Wolfe was told that his four bags were each about 2 kg or 3 kg over the 32 kg limit, and that he’d have to pay a penalty.
Wolfe was sent to a Thai Airways office where he says a number of employees discussed how much he should be charged for the bags. They argued with each other. They made phone calls. They looked generally confused, he says. More than an hour later, a verdict was rendered: Wolfe owed 66,000 Thai baht, or approximately $2,200.
Of course, it does beg the question of why this couple needed over 128kg of stuff for a trip to Panama in the first place. But, seriously, ouch!
Holy overpacking Batman!
Alright, go to Thailand. Go to Bangkok for all I care! (from the show 'Coach.')