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Update on comments

Well, the old missing comments are back, but now the new ones have disappeared (from the past four days or so). Hopefully they’ll be back soon. Sorry about the inconvenience – nobody’s being censored, it’s just Haloscan having problems again.

Update: They’re all back now.

{ 9 comments… add one }
  • AlexCV 03.20.03, 12:26 AM

    Do those guys know what they’re doing? In all the places I worked in, I would’ve been fired for maintaining that kind of bad and unreliable service.

  • segacs 03.20.03, 12:46 AM

    It’s free, so I can’t complain too much. And there’s no advertising. You get what you pay for.

  • AlexCV 03.20.03, 4:06 AM

    It may be free, but it looks like a hack job run in someone’s basement with an old pentium and mysql. Though I’ll commend whoever’s bleeding the cash behind this for sticking with it for so long.

  • Peter Lehrer 03.20.03, 10:12 AM

    What is wrong with mysql?

  • AlexCV 03.20.03, 8:32 PM

    Nothing when you know how to use it. Lots of people assume that since they can do INSERT and SELECT, they got what it takes to make a full-blown web service and it’ll work perfectly. And, huh, featurewise, mysql is pretty much barren, you couldn’t call it relational before version 4. (It’s got foreign keys now, right? What’s the ETA for outer joins, stored proc, triggers, views, etc.?)

    I’m a DB snob. I use postgresql, just as free, much more featurefull and surprisingly fast if you know what you’re doing. It doesn’t beat mysql for sequential scans, but add complexity and it manages better.

  • segacs 03.20.03, 8:47 PM

    All of that is moot because I’m limited in what I can do with Geocities. If I was running my own server it would be different. But Geocities gives no access to the root directory.

  • AlexCV 03.20.03, 9:23 PM

    Hehehe, If you got a domain, I got a box. I just doubt that northernhacking.org is your idea of a good domain ;-).

  • Peter Lehrer 03.21.03, 4:50 AM

    Alex, I went to your site northernhacking.org. What do you plan to do with it? Will you be hosting?

  • AlexCV 03.21.03, 5:18 AM

    Well, it’s mostly my e-mail address. It’s a full-blown server with about a dozen website, half a dozen mailing lists and 30-40 users.

    Things like greenland.ca or raphnet.net to give two extreme examples.

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