The Jerusalem Post is now reporting 22 dead and over 120 injured. CNN reports that many of the wounded are immigrant workers, who may be afraid to seek medical attention because they don’t have the proper papers to remain in Israel.
Internal Security Minister Uzi Landau said anyone injured, regardless of their legal status, should seek medical care.
“We have made it clear that we will take good care of anyone who will be taken to the hospital,” Landau said. “We’re going to see afterwards that they will be fully taken care of.”
There have been conflicting claims of responsibility, but the Israeli news sources appear to be saying that the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade is behind the attacks. What I find most baffling and sickening is how three different groups all tried to claim responsibility, as though they all wish it were them behind the attacks. Who in their right mind would be proud of having murdered 22 innocent people in cold blood? The whole concept of “claiming responsibility” for suicide attacks is utterly and completely twisted.
Israel’s response has been swift. The IDF has fired missiles at Gaza City. Details are still emerging about the specific targets.
What amazes me is that both Fatah and Al aksa have claimed responsibility to the attack, note both are groups controlled by Arafat, meanwhile Arafat is “condemning the bombings”. How stupid does he think we are?
I’ve long suspected that one of the reasons Israel gets condemned for the violence more than the Palestinian Authority is that Israel carries out operations by military people wearing IDF uniforms, while the PA carries out terror attacks by people claiming no affiliation. Arafat hides behind the extremist groups, claiming to condemn the attacks while at the same time planning and financing them.
No matter what happens, Israel’s missile retaliation will attract more international outrage than the suicide bombing.
There world has gone completely frigging insane.
Yes, I’m sure the world will condemn whatever response Israel takes even if it is no response at all. No matter what Israel does they can do no worse.