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Drink beer, avoid exercise

Burnside has the secret to a long, healthy life: drink beer, avoid exercise:

Hermann Dornemann, the oldest man in Germany, celebrated his 111th birthday on Thursday. The secret of his longevity? Avoid exercise and drink lots of beer.

Health experts might be inclined to shake their heads in disapproval at Hermann Dornemann’s lifestyle, but his disavowal of all sporting activities and a taste for his home town’s local brew seem to have done the trick.

It’s the next Atkins diet! I think even I could get on board with this one.

{ 3 comments… add one }
  • Burnside 05.29.04, 12:48 AM

    Cheers for the link!

    (Food for thought: if he avoided exercise, does that mean he subsequently avoided sex? What kind of life would that be?)

  • DaninVan 05.29.04, 5:31 PM

    ‘Her’ on top, no prob; AND you can nurse a brew at the same time.

  • DaninVan 06.01.04, 6:41 PM

    Apparently that last comment (3 days ago) had some unexpected side effects!
    ….hellloooo…anybody home?

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