So if Don Cherry gets in trouble for making fun of Quebec, what will happen to Conan O’Brien?
“So you’re French and Canadian, yes? So you’re obnoxious and dumb,” a satirical sock puppet told one passerby in a taped segment on Mr. O’Brien’s show last night.
“You’re in North America; learn the language,” Triumph, the cigar-smoking dog, hollered at another Quebecker at the carnival.
Yep, that’s gonna spell some big trouble for “let’s pay him a million dollars to acknowledge Canada exists” Conan.
I’m more interested in another aspect of this whole thing: despite Conan’s denials, Triumph is nothing but a ripoff of Ed the Sock.
That’s like saying Boston Public is nothing but a rip off of Degrassi High. Actually…
Also, Triumph differs from Ed the Sock in one fundamental way: Unlike Ed the Sock, Triumph is actually FUNNY.
Triumph funnier than Ed? Oh, it’s on now baby!
I think his exact quote was “obnoxious and dull” (not dumb) and really, if I were French Canadian, I’d be proud to be obnoxious rather than dull (would you have guessed?) But still, I don’t see why Quebeckers had to pay hard earned tax dollars for an ignorant and duller-than-dull yank to come here and insult them in their own home. If he doesn’t like Quebeckers, why doesn’t he just stay home or go hang in TO with his fellow dumbass blokes.
Hand you know, de henglish, dey ‘ave nine province, tree territory, and fifty-two state to live in. Why can’t dey leave dis one small piece of land for de quebecois, eh? (Familiar argument there Segacs?)