Business as usual for the UN General Assembly, as they passed a resolution yesterday demanding that Israel tear down the security fence which has managed to reduce terrorist attacks on civilians by 90%. This a week after the IJC ruled against Israel, as expected.
Israel, of course, will be ignoring the resolution, as it well should. After all, if Israel listened to the GA, all its citizens would long be dead:
Israeli UN Ambassador Dan Gillerman called the resolution “one-sided and totally counter-productive” and said construction of the wall will continue to keep out Palestinian attackers.
“It is simply outrageous to respond with such vigour to a measure that saves lives and responds with such casual indifference and apathy to the ongoing campaign of Palestinian terrorism that takes lives. This is not justice but a perversion of justice,” he said.
I’ve long maintained that they ought to just rename the GA the “body of the UN responsible for passing resolutions against Israel”. That’s all they ever do, anyway. So this, I suppose, was just business as usual.
Canada, in typical spineless fashion, abstained from the vote. Why does this even bother me anymore?
It doesn’t even bother you too much because you’re slowly learning that Canada is not ‘your country’ anymore.
Maybe during Trudeau’s watch it seemed that we really were objective peacekeepers, concerned about human-rights, and that we really cared to bridge the gap between the Soviets and the US, but now all ‘you’ (Sari, not you personally) care about is trying to not be the US at all costs. (What ever happened to Dhaliwal?)
Another thing is probably that you see that as a Jew, you are also one of the few that seems to still care. If only Mtl Jews would put a tenth of the effort they wasted on the demerger issue into pro-Jewish and pro-Israel issues, then Canada’s lopsided foreign policy might still bother you.
It’s hard to be a rebel. Easier to fall into complacency.
Canada is my country, thank you very much. There are things about every country that aren’t perfect, but I’m still a very proud Canadian and I think there’s a vast difference between criticizing certain government policies and not feeling like a country is “my country”.
See Josh, the problem is Segacs thinks it’s her Country but the Liberals think it’s theirs…
It is a fact of life that jews who live outside Israel will almost always put the interests of Israel before the interests of their own country.
just a guy; Oh? What interests would those be?
Lets just pretend that the thousands of jobs formerly held by Canadians and now ‘outsourced’ offshore are irrelevant to the discussion of who’s screwing Canada.
Let’s pretend that the innumerable foreign Terrorist organizations that have set up shop here in Canada and are in a feeding frenzy off their pick-a-country-Canadian immigrant supporters, all have the best interests of Canada at heart.
Let’s just ignore the COUNTLESS Scientific, Medical, Artistic, Charitable and cultural contributions that Jews have made and will continue to make to Canadian life.
Look in the mirror man, you’re an unmitigated bigot.
You missed the funny part Sari, Sudan was one of the countries that voted for the anti-Israel resolution 🙂
That’s a given, the Gov’t being Islamic.
I didn’t used to be so negative; Sari, you’re a baaaad influence…
NZ Jew assisted ‘Mossad spies’ – report. New Zealand police are seeking a fourth man, a New Zealander, whom they believe assisted alleged Israeli agents in their attempts to acquire forged New Zealand passports.
full story:
This is another proof that jews have loyality only toward Israel. I hope these jews will rot in jail as long as possible.
‘just a guy’,
though probably pointless to argue with you…
I think you’re going a weee too far by saying that ‘Jews’ have loyalty only toward Israel actually, you’re almost totally wrong. If a Jew living in the diaspora only had loyalty to Israel, then s/he’d pack up their bags and move here (Israel)already. Obviously, if a Jew is still in the diaspora, they must have other loyalties, even if they are family, comfort, cheap wide-screen tvs, cheap cars, and feeling worldly for tolerating and living with fine individuals like yourself.
But the virtually non-existant North American immigration to Israel proves you’re just a silly person, or a small self-hating Jew.
I think that I too am still a very proud Canadian. Without going into the not-so-happy Canadian/Jewish history of the 30s and 40s, I still very much appreciate and respect that it provided a haven for my fleeing grandparents on both sides that eventually led to my parents meeting and me being born.
But at some point in CEGEP (and back then, totally non-religious), I realized that I didn’t want to follow the usual birth-school-work-death routine smattered with some Jewish events like wedding and brisses every once in a while. It just seemed (and still does from recent experience) a massive denial complex and refusal to learn from history. It just seemed so pointless to continue to strive to stay Jewish in a non-Jewish world even when all I wanted was to go the shul on Sat mornings and take holidays off, but while watching the whole Mtl community evaporate while still refusing to admit a problem existed.
Did I bail? Yeah. Why bother to fight a pointless battle when there are more important issues to deal with?