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Enemies of freedom strike again

Two bombings in Iraq left at least 15 people dead today, as the enemies of freedom struck again:

Twin suicide car bombs killed at least 15 people during the morning rush hour in central Baghdad on Thursday, cutting short what had appeared to be a lull in violence since elections in January.

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The blasts came a day after a series of explosions around the country that killed 15 people. Together they constitute one of the deadliest spates of guerrilla activity in six weeks.

The attacks would appear to mark a new surge in the violence that has been so common over the past two years in Iraq but which seemed to have subsided since the elections.

Democracy takes enormous effort, time and patience to build – and sadly, precious little effort to destroy. But I still believe that most of the people in Iraq want feedom. They showed up at the polls en masse in January to prove that, and now they will have to face down adversity to continue proving it every single day.

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  • Puck 04.15.05, 12:00 AM


    I’m not sure if you ever mentioned it but what are your thoughts on Zionist terrorists? Those that attacked the british after WWII.

    One could argue that they contributed to Britain leaving the area. Does Israel have any obligation to condem them or to make amends for their actions? What about the Jewish world community?

    It seems as if the arabs (palestinians) are just using the same tactics that the zionists did.

  • segacs 04.15.05, 12:47 AM

    This from a guy who thinks that “rights are determined by the majority” (see thread below).

    I could engage in this debate, Puck… but something tells me you and I have precious little common ground and that I’d be wasting my breath.

  • josh 04.15.05, 12:00 PM

    Are you comparing the Etzel vs British army and the Iraqi ‘insurgents’ blowing up other Iraqi people? You got to be kidding us.

  • Puck 04.15.05, 4:14 PM

    Ouch. Dissed because my views on “rights” are wrong. I will refrain from making you waste your breath.

    Josh, I used the word arab because palestinian nationality is a relatively new idea. So I was comparing Zionist terrorism to Palestinian nationalist terrorism.

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