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Duh alert

North Korea has the world’s worst human rights record, according to British Foreign Office Minister Bill Rammell. He urged the UN Human Rights Commission to pass a resolution condemning the country:

Kim Tae Jin, a North Korean who was imprisoned by the government before defecting in 1997, told the commission that “there is absolutely no freedom in North Korea.”

“In a political prison camp in North Korea, one must forget that he or she is a human being,” said Kim, who spent five years in a camp and endured eight months of torture and interrogation.

“There were numerous people who spent 20 to 30 years in the prison camp simply because of some ludicrous crime their grandfather allegedly committed,” said Kim.

Mr Rammell said that the European Union will sponsor a resolution at the commission to condemn North Korea’s record of abuses, adding that he expects it to be passed by a large majority.

I’m absolutely shocked… not that North Korea’s human rights record is unimaginably bad, but that the UN Human Rights Commission would consider taking a 5-minute break from its full-time Israel-bashing activities to actually comment.

I’ll believe it when I see it.

{ 2 comments… add one }
  • DaninVan 04.01.05, 6:23 AM

    Maybe you could slip a pamphlet into the outgoing mail…;)

  • bwas1 04.01.05, 8:44 PM

    Gee and here I thought that Israel must be the number one human rights violator since it seems to receive the most attention from the media and the NGO human rights organizations. Obviously it must be number two ahead of Sudan, Egypt, Syria Saudia Arabia, Iran, Cuba and Belorussia.

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