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Why isn’t this more encouraging?

By all logic, this ought to be good news, right?

Foreign ministers of Muslim countries on Thursday pledged cooperation with Iraqi authorities to help end a bloody insurgency waged there by Iraqis and foreign Arabs.

Ministers of member states of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) meeting in Yemen agreed to help “rebuild Iraq and enabling the Iraqi government to maintain security and stability,” Yemeni Foreign Minister Abubakr al-Qirbi told reporters.

I don’t know, maybe because of this?

Strategy Page tracks about sixteen wars in the world today. Guess how many involve Muslim states?

We track sixteen as active (Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel, Sudan, Colombia, Kashmir, Pakistan, Ivory Coast, Congo, Somalia, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Chechnya, Burundi and Thailand.), plus about a dozen that are really low level, just ended (and still liable to restart) or just dormant for the moment.

Yep, the Muslim states are clearly the experts on ending war and restoring calm.

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  • Peter 07.02.05, 2:59 AM

    Samual Huntington said it best: Islam’s Bloody Borders

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