Me: Hello?
Him: (in fairly good, though heavily-accented English) May I please speak to [segacs]?
Me: Yes, speaking?
Him: I’m a volunteer calling from the Harel campaign team and I was calling to ask you about the municipal election. Are you aware that there’s an election on November 1st?
Me: Yes, I am.
Him: (a little embarrassed) And, may I ask if Mme Harel can count on your vote?
Me: (laughing) Well, I would definitely have to say… not.
Him: (laughing a little) Okay, thank you.
Even the volunteers know that when they get an anglophone on the phone, it’s a lost cause.
On the other hand, in an election where our choices are Gerald corruption-is-my-middle-name Tremblay, Louise I-hate-anglos Harel, and Richard cars-and-corporations-are-evil Bergeron, I can’t help but feel that my best bet on November 1st will be to stay home.
Tsk! Don't you dare! Vote for the rhinos if you have to!
Does the Natural Law Party run candidates in municipal elections? Vote for them.