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Ahenakew’s apology rings hollow

Ahenakew apologized… sort of:

In an emotional appearance Tuesday, Ahenakew apologized to the Jewish community, Holocaust survivors and their families.

“I am deeply sorry for the pain I have caused you,” he said. He also apologized to his own people.

“I have clearly embarrassed our people. I admit my own stubbornness, my pigheadedness and my own personal embarrassment prevented me from coming forward immediately to do the right thing in light of what I have caused by such irresponsible and painful comments,” he said.

Sorry, but in a case like this, that just don’t cut it. What’s more likely to be a true expression of how he feels? The disgusting racist comments he made in anger? Or a carefully-crafted apology after nearly five days of media pressure?

For a man like this to be a member of the Order of Canada is a disgrace. He resigned from all his political positions within the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations, but even during his apology speech he still opted to wear his Order of Canada pin on his lapel. What does that say about Canada? What does that say about us as Canadians? He should be stripped of the Order immediately.

{ 7 comments… add one }
  • Michael 12.18.02, 3:56 PM

    and stripped of his clothes, tied to the stake, and tickled silly.

  • Hanthala 12.18.02, 6:24 PM

    Right on Segacs. This guy wins the racist fascist award of the year.

  • Mike Silverman 12.19.02, 5:49 AM

    I think that the Republican Party should trade Trent Lott for this guy plus a player to be named later.

  • segacs 12.19.02, 5:57 AM

    First-round draft pick in the racist idiots draft?

  • jaws 12.19.02, 5:32 PM

    They already handed out the “Racist Facist Award of the year”? Darn, too bad I missed that one

  • Hanthala 12.20.02, 12:06 AM

    Ah jaws, don’t worry, that was only for Canada. When they hand them out for Israel (its going to take a while to count ’em all), I’ll make sure you get front row 🙂

  • jaws 12.20.02, 3:20 AM

    Darn, I wanted to attend the canadian one 🙁

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