Native leader and vicious antisemite David Ahenakew, who praised Hitler for killing 6 million Jews, has been found guilty of promoting hatred under Canada’s hate crimes legislation:
Former aboriginal leader David Ahenakew, who called Jews “a disease” and justified the Holocaust, has been found guilty of wilfully promoting hatred.
Two and a half years ago, Ahenakew told a reporter that the Holocaust was a good thing and praised Adolf Hitler for having “fried” six million Jews during the Second World War.
The process has also been started to strip Ahenakew of his Order of Canada award.
Despite my mixed feelings on the hate trial in the first place, I’d said that once it was started, this was the only acceptable way for it to end. So I’m greeting this verdict with some relief.
As for the Order of Canada, it should have been stripped long ago. I can’t believe he’s kept it all this time.