Back from my quick trip to Toronto. Thanks to everyone who e-mailed me to update me on the Concordia Hillel situation. For those who may not have heard, at last night’s council meeting, the CSU voted to restore Hillel’s tabling and operations privileges, but they’re still withholding their funding until Hillel agrees to sign an “agreement”. Hillel – justifiably so – is not willing to give in to this blatant blackmail.
I couldn’t be there to give a firsthand account but apparently over 100 people showed up to support Hillel. Kudos to everyone who went! At any rate, the Link has an extensive article covering the issue, along with several photos. Definitely check it out for more details.
I’ll just add that Hillel’s having an open general meeting this Sunday, December 15th, at 8pm. Anyone who has ideas, wants to help out, or is simply pissed off and feels the need to do something, is invited. For details on location, e-mail Noah Sarna, co-president of Concordia Hillel.
One of the CSU legislators that voted to shut down Hillel is depicted wearing a kaffiyeh.
Guess you know where she stands.
There were 4 people there wearing kaffiyehs, which also seems to be the scarf of choice among weenie 20-something Montrealers.
What did you say Matthew? Kipas seemed to be the head gear of choice among weenie 20-something Montrealers? Oh, um, ish, er, yeah, oops, sorry, that was kind of racist.