Ruth Wisse has written a column about antisemitism on college campuses. In it, she examines the core question of how the campuses got to be so antisemitic in the first place.
Anti-Semitism thrives because slandering Israel is the only aggression against a minority that is encouraged by the rules of political correctness.
Along similar lines, universities have allowed Middle East departments to disseminate anti-Israel propaganda to an extent unimaginable a generation ago, representing violations of intellectual honesty and academic impartiality that may be unique in our academic life.
Worth a read.
Secags, Any thoughts on the elections in Gujarat?
My answer to Wisse has already been written:
“Tension on Campus”:
A Call to Silence
Hanthala, being a professional jew baiter, understands this situation quite well.
What a crock. Just who is imposing the silence? Could it be the rabble who riot when someone who they don’t like dares to speak on campus?
This is par for the course for the pro-Palestinian crowd. They demand the other side to grant rights and freedoms that they themselves refuse to grant.
The curious “marxofascists” of the left who give support to fascist middle eatern governments is an interesting phenomenon.
jb, its the American right that supports the Middle Eastern dictatorships against the will of the Middle Eastern populations.