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McDonough speaks at Concordia

Alexa McDonough jumps on the NDP bandwagon by making a speech at Concordia as part of a panel speaking to a group organized by the Canadian Muslim Forum.

This is just weeks after NDP MPs Svend Robinson and Libby Davies spoke outside Concordia – after an injunction prevented them from speaking on campus – in support of the CSU and against the temporary moratorium on mideast events. I guess Alexa McDonough just wanted to make it really really clear, for anyone who was confused, that the NDP supports the alliance between the Palestinian movement and the Left.

NDP leader Alexa McDonough spoke out yesterday in heartfelt support of Canadian Muslims. Since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, she said, “they have been on the receiving end of hateful sentiments.”

McDonough received a standing ovation from the crowd of about 100 people at Concordia University. She appeared on a panel, Citizens Under Siege, organized by the Canadian Muslim Forum and Alternative Perspective Media.

Of course, speaking out against racism is never wrong. But McDonough was making a political statement by holding her speech at Concordia, and by specifically only referring to anti-Muslim racism and supporting the “Palestinian cause” at a site where anti-Jewish racism has been especially rampant.

The NDP leader noted that her party had been Ottawa sponsors of the UN-sanctioned International Day of Solidarity With the Palestinian People – though “some irresponsible members of the media will portray that in a dishonest way. Thank God for the alternate media.”

McDonough urged Palestinian activists not only to speak out, but to reach out to build coalitions with other people. But she admitted, “It’s not always easy to get beyond the dire circumstances at the centre of your cause.”

In true NDP fashion, a bit of America-bashing and Bush-bashing was thrown in for good measure.

The NDP leader deplored the “message of hatred” set in motion by U.S. President George W. Bush, when he told the world: “Either you’re with us or you’re against us.” McDonough dryly commented, “Most of us see much better choices.”

Yeah, most of us do see better choices . . . certainly we see better choices than you, Ms. McDonough.

{ 4 comments… add one }
  • Shmoo 12.16.02, 2:43 PM

    I for one can’t understand people’s problem with George Bush’s doctrine. Either you are against terrorism or you are a supporter of terrorism. You can’t have it both ways (well Saudi Arabia can…but they’ll eventually make up their mind…). Either Alexa McDonough and the NDP support fighting terrorism or they don’t. Bush has never sent out a “message of hatred.” He should be applauded for actually doing something about terrorism, unlike certain other presidents who hoped that the problem would just go away. I do actually agree with Alexa on one point though: “Thank God for the alternate media.” Now, Alexa, please leave politics quickly, quietly, and be sure to close the door on the way out.

  • Peter 12.17.02, 1:32 AM

    What is the NDP? What is it comparable
    to in US politics?
    Like most Americans, I guess I am totally
    ignorant of Canadian politics.

  • Peter 12.17.02, 2:20 AM

    I just read on the NDP web site her statement condemning the
    antisemitic remarks made by DAvid Ahenakew.

    She says the NDP “strongly condemns the hateful,
    ignorant and morally repugnant comments directed towards members of the Jewish faith.”
    I wonder is she purposely said “members of the Jewish faith” instead
    of simply saying “Jewish people”. Maybe we have shades here of
    the PLO charter’s antisemitic diatribe which says
    the Jews are not a people but just members of
    a religion.

  • Hanthala 12.18.02, 9:15 AM

    Well Peter, if you dish that out you ought to be able to take it 😉

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