It’s strange – when it’s a slow news day, I tend to go nuts and blog incessantly. But now that there’s actual news, I find I’m not in the mood to blog. Maybe it’s because I’m spending too much time tuned to other media sources. I don’t know.
At any rate, there’s no shortage of blogs with regular updates on the situation. I recommend checking out some of the ones listed on the lefthand side of this site, for starters.
It’s funny how someone who constantly talks about how biased the media is against Israel and how there should be “honest reporting” will mention every case of Palestinian terrorist attacks but doesn’t mention one word when an American student is crushed to death by an Israeli Bulldozer while peacefully protesting the destruction of Palestinian homes. (
I read your current thoughts today, you know your list of 85 reasons why war is a GOOD thing, and I honestly think it’s impossible for you to be any more naive. You really don’t stand behind the smuck that you write do you? Sit down and think, truly think about war for a second, about it’s VAST consequences on EVERYONE… including the child born this afteroon somewhere in Iraq. Death is a by far the best way to end his first day living. If it’s the prevention of terrorism that is driving this, then, my friend, you’d have to take out half the world. Bomb Ireland, bomb Israel and bomb Montréal… all these places harbour some of the world’s finest terrorits. Some BREED them. As for the media, I can assure you as a part of it, that it is a LEGAL obligation for a journalist to be 110% objective when presenting FACTS… so if you hear something about your country of great amour that you dislike, perhaps you should look at the country first and the messenger last. It’s people with tunnel vision that suffer in the end.