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Playoffs update

With the Habs not having made the playoffs, it’s hard to get too excited about hockey at this point. But the Leafs scored in overtime last night to hang on for game 7 against the Flyers. And the Canucks are hoping for a game 7 win tonight as well. With Ottawa having eliminated the Islanders in 5, that’s good news for the teams from the country that invented the sport . . . even if the Habs are golfing.

Update: The Leafs were pummelled 6-1 by Philadelphia, so they’ll soon be joining the Habs on the golf course. But Vancouver did advance. And in yet another playoff upset, underdog Minnesota eliminated the team everyone loves to hate, the Colorado Avalanche, in the third game 7 series being played last night.

It’s anyone’s cup now.

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  • AlexCV 04.24.03, 6:38 PM

    Die leafs die 😉

    I want to see ottawa bring back a stanly cup.

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