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The report they didn’t want you to read

The EU has come under fire for refusing to publish a report on antisemitism, ostensibly because of fears of the political fallout of telling the truth (namely that a large portion of European antisemitism is coming from the far-left and from the Muslim communities).

The Canadian Jewish Congress has released the report in defiance of the EU’s refusal, and it is available online. Read it here.

Small wonder the EU is so critical of Israel… it beats introspection any day of the week, doesn’t it?

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  • Michael Talismann 12.05.03, 1:58 PM

    I would not be too hasty to wave the big “I” word around. The adherents of Judaism today see themselves, their faith, their history and Israel through the lens of the Holocaust. It has made Judaism an extremely outward-looking, defensive and suspicious theology.

    There is not an awful lot of introspection going on there. Ask a Jewish person on the street “what is a Jew?” and you will get a million different answers.

    9 out of every ten though, you will find, will be a description of what a Jew is not. To define oneself by what they aren’t, as opposed to what they are, is the aspect of a communal psychology painfully in need of introspection.

  • Jonny 12.05.03, 6:07 PM


    The adherents of Judaism today see themselves, their faith, their history and Israel through the lens of the Holocaust.

    What qualifies you to make such statements? Are you an expert on the jews? I doubt it. One’s rehtoric often gives away more about the author than it does about that of which they speak.

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