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The media is reporting that Svend Robinson is expected to plead guilty on Friday to stealing a ring at an estate sale.

So why am I so amused? Is it a simple case of schadenfreude? Maybe. Is it because I can’t stand Svend Robinson and his self-righteous arrogance and I enjoy seeing people like that having to face up to what they’ve done? Perhaps.

No… no, that’s not it.

It’s because his lawyer’s name is Michael Bolton.


I can’t help it! It’s too easy! There’s a reason they made a whole gag about it in the movie Office Space:

Samir: No one in this country can ever pronounce my name right. It’s not that hard: Samir Na-gheen-an-a-jar. Nagheenanajar.

Michael Bolton: Yeah, well at least your name isn’t Michael Bolton.

Samir: You know there’s nothing wrong with that name.

Michael Bolton: There was nothing wrong with it… until I was about 12 years old and that no-talent ass clown became famous and started winning Grammys.

Samir: Hmm… well why don’t you just go by Mike instead of Michael?

Michael Bolton: No way. Why should I change? He’s the one who sucks.

Let’s see… horrible musician, character in a movie, and Svend’s lawyer. Sounds like the start of a joke. “Three men named Michael Bolton walk into a bar…”

Okay, I’m easily amused. The secret’s out now.

{ 9 comments… add one }
  • just a guy 08.06.04, 6:31 AM

    Sari, don’t be so mean toward a nice gay guy. Svend had a wonderful career as a MP. I like him very much. I can’t believe that he stole a ring.

  • segacs 08.06.04, 2:30 PM

    Hey, if Svend were merely a gay MP, I’d have no problem with him whatsoever. My issues with him have nothing to do with him being gay, and a lot to do with his other politics (anti-Israel, nominating the ISM for a Nobel Peace Prize, coming to my university campus to stir up shit, etc. etc.)

  • Jonny 08.06.04, 3:34 PM

    schadenfreude – everytime I hear that word I think of Avenue Q.

    A man walks into a bar,
    the bartender says it would have been funnier if you had brought a duck.

    A man walks into a bar with a duck…

    (easily amused – that makes two of us).

  • segacs 08.06.04, 5:09 PM

    Avenue Q was a great show. I own the soundtrack 🙂

  • Tzvi 08.07.04, 1:18 AM

    “his self-righteous arrogance”?
    Shoudn’t that be
    “his self-lefteous arrogance”

    This defender of gay rights seems happy to overlook the fact that Palestinian gays must seek refuge in Israel.

  • daninvan 08.07.04, 3:12 AM

    Holy crap! He got off with NO jail time…a conditional sentence which means NO criminal record. What’s the bet that he’ll be back on the front page (politically speaking) before the ink’s dry on his ‘Get out of Jail Free’ card.

  • Jonny 08.07.04, 3:52 PM

    I wonder if he stole the ring to show support for Concordia Students Union “steal something day”.

  • just a guy 08.08.04, 3:01 PM

    Typical jewish mentality. They see the world only in term of pro-israel or anti-israel. They will judge a person solely based on his/her stance toward Israel. If Svend was exactly the same person as he is now except pro-israel, then I am sure people like u would support Svend.

    so narrow minded!!!

  • Jonny 08.08.04, 4:26 PM

    just a guy,

    you’re the one who just made the narrow minded comment.

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