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No return to Neverland

Now here’s a real heartbreaker: Michael Jackson doesn’t want to live in the US anymore:

The superstar now lives in Bahrain and his lawyers have said that he no longer considers his Neverland Ranch in California as his home.

“They didn’t treat him right here. I know if I was him, I wouldn’t come back,” his father said.

You mean, it’s not just that he ran out of innocent kids to prey on in the US and has decided to go international? Or maybe he just realized that the only people buying his records anymore are overseas. Either way, I don’t think too many Americans will cry about his snub. If Bahrain wants him, they can have him.

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  • DaninVan 11.10.05, 4:18 AM

    I’m betting he’s just one step ahead of the bailiffs.

  • John Palubiski 11.10.05, 4:16 PM

    Well, at least Michael’s perversity of mindset is now matched by his choice of real-estate.

    Good riddence to “Blanche”

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