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Sore loser

Pierre Bourque lost the election by a landslide… but he’s demanding a recount anyway:

Yesterday, the controversy surrounding the city’s electronic vote-counting system took a new twist when failed mayoral candidate Pierre Bourque claimed that 45,000 ballots “disappeared,” tabulating machines rejected too many ballots and election workers illegally ejected his volunteers from voting stations when polls closed on Sunday.

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Yesterday, Bourque demanded Quebec Municipal Affairs Minister Nathalie Normandeau order a full judicial recount – a new tallying of all the ballots cast, this time by hand and in front of a judge and party representatives.

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Bourque told reporters he doesn’t expect such a recount to reverse his massive loss, but said that in 20 to 25 districts, recounts could decide who becomes local councillor.

“I lost and I recognize that,” he said. “My intention is to shed light on the multiple deficiencies and irregularities. It’s sad for democracy, sad for Montreal.”

Almost as sad for Montreal as Bourque’s reign as mayor. Almost, but not quite.

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  • Tré 11.10.05, 4:12 PM

    Sounds like the CSU.

  • John Palubiski 11.10.05, 4:21 PM

    Typical. Bourque has what can only be described as a streak of simpleness.

    Jeez, when he was “maire” he spent 4 days out of 5……overseas playing “head-of-state”.

    Ostensibly, of course, to promote Montréal’s “international” profile.

    Meanwhile the potholes grew, both in number and depth, and chunks of the Met began falling on people’s heads.

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