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Canada finally votes no

Canada has joined the United States and Australia in voting down a UN General Assembly motion that passes annually on the right of Palestinians to “mobilize”:

Canada joined the United States and five other countries yesterday in voting against a General Assembly resolution on the right of Palestinians to mobilize support for their cause.

The U.S., Australia, Israel, Marshall Islands, Micronesia and Palau have voted against the resolution – regarded as anti-Israel by the U.S. administration – every year when it comes up at the General Assembly. This time, Canada joined them in rejecting it.

The No votes did not stop the assembly from adopting the resolution, which voices support for a UN committee working to realize the right to self-determination of Palestinians, support the peace process and mobilize international support for the Palestinians.

What a shameful body the UN is, comprised of rogue states and other states too intimidated by the rogue states to do the right thing. The United Nations has repeatedly refused to condemn the death of innocent Israelis and has been a longstanding supporter of Palestinian terror tactics.

Canada has buried its head in the sand far too long on this issue. Having the courage to vote no instead of the cowardice to abstain says a lot.

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  • Ikram 12.02.04, 8:19 PM


    On one side, this shows that the much-rumoured pro-Israel shift of Canadian foreign policy is coming about. On the other hand, G&M reported today that Canada will be supporting an anti-Israel resolution concerning nukes that it has traditionally abstained on.

    Overall, it could be a sign of a more activist position. My question: what’s the point? Getting involved in foreign problems like Palestine/Israel will be contentious, attract negative attention (no matter what you do), and possibly open up divisive feelings in Canada?

    Since you’re a supporter of the shift in Canadian policy, perhaps you can tell me: What’s in it for us?

    (And could you put up the text of the resolution? “Right to mobilize” sounds pretty anodyne. What’s the code here?)

  • jeremy 12.02.04, 11:10 PM

    Nobody has the balls to stand up and go against the U.S. or their supporters. That’s why when gwb visited this week, we bent over and took it up the backside. Canada does not have the decency to tell him to go fuck off…

    everybody is afraid of the BIG BAD WOLF.

    Sad, very Sad,


  • Malia 12.02.04, 11:10 PM

    I agree with the U.N. resolution. I believe we should all help the Arabs who call themselves “Palestinians” mobilize to return to their homeland of Arabia.

  • Malia 12.02.04, 11:12 PM

    A Canadian dhimmi. How sad, how very sad.

  • DaninVan 12.03.04, 3:03 AM

    ‘A card laid is a card played’ as they say in cribbage. The Pals made this mess and they’ll have to live (or die)with the consequences.

  • just a guy 12.03.04, 7:13 PM

    Malia. I believe we should all help the so called indian-americans to return to their homeland of India.

    Also all the so called french-canadian should return to their homeland of France.

    Also all so called irish-americans shall return to Ireland, their true homeland and all the canadians of british descent should return to England their true homeland.

    Only the native americans and the first nations have the right to live in America.

  • DaninVan 12.03.04, 7:39 PM

    Native Americans ARE the First Nations. You try to hard to be a weinie.

  • Malia 12.03.04, 11:22 PM

    “just a crazy guy,”
    Thanks for defending my right to live in America where my ancestors are from. I don’t mind sharing it with people from all over the world as long as they are peaceful and tolerant.
    I do believe the Arabs in Israel should be deported for murdering Jews and trying to steal the Jewish homeland. Poll after shows that the Arabs who call themselves “Palestinians” want to destroy Israel. If the Israelis don’t do anything about it the country of Israel will disappear in the near future.

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