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Rantisi dead?

Early reports say that the IDF has blown up the car of Hamas leader Abdel Aziz Rantisi. No indications of whether Rantisi himself is among the dead. This is all very preliminary.

Please let it be true!

Update:Haaretz says they got him. Still waiting for confirmation.

Update #2: An LGF commentator posted a link to Israel Channel 10, who is reporting the story live. If you speak Hebrew, and have Media Player, go see.

Update #3: Channel 10 has changed its status on Rantisi from “killed” to “critically wounded”. Two of Rantisi’s guards were apparently killed in the missile strike, but Rantisi seems still to be among the living. They’re showing shots of Rantisi in the hospital, after being rushed there by ambulance.

Update #4: They’re back to saying his status is “killed”. Seems he was pronounced clinically dead at a Gaza hospital. Reports still conflicting. Also, they are reporting that the expected US reaction is an assertion that Israel has the right to defend itself.

Update #5: All the news outlets are confirming it now. Reuters. CNN. FoxNews. BBC. He’s really dead.

Update #6: CNN says that the three people killed were Rantisi, a bodyguard, and Rantisi’s son, Mohammed, 20.

And of course, the PA is spewing its usual threats about retaliation… just like it did after Yassin’s assassination. But the wall did its job, and the large-scale “retaliation” (i.e. attempted murder of innocent civilians to “avenge” a murdering terrorist) has thankfully not materialized. Even the Israeli reports seem a lot less fearful today than they did after Yassin’s death.

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  • peter 04.17.04, 8:46 PM

    Rantisi is dead! God bless America! I think that Winston Churchill’s phrase of “Closing the ring” is apt. Bush and Sharon are closing the ring on Islamic terrorists.

    Look out Osama. Look out Sadr. Your life expectancy has just been shortened.

    The judgements of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.

  • DaninVan 04.18.04, 6:25 AM

    Wonder if Hamas gets a volume break on their autobody work…

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